Friday, October 11, 2019

How to Change Your Brake Pads and Rotors

Do-it-yourself and save money! Save money by doing-it-yourself. No matter how you say it, it can really add up. I like the phrase so much that I think I'll make it my new mantra. Maybe you should too. I've literally saved thousands of dollars by doing my own auto repairs. One of the coolest DIY projects you can do is performing your own brake job.

How To Maintain Your Car Properly

People who squeeze every drop of gas they can out of their tank are known as "hyper-milers". These people will avoid accelerating fast and braking abruptly in order to get the best mileage possible. They maximize fuel efficiency by making their car as lightweight as possible and removing anything they don't need from their trunk. Coasting is another way to increase mileage as is anticipating traffic flow. While hypermiling is a sort of penny-pinching method to increase and stretch your fuel dollar, here are some ways to maintain your car when you are on a shoestring budget.

How To Get Your Car Windows Clean Fast And Efficiently

Driving a vehicle with hazy, dirty glasses can be quite stressful especially in heavy traffic, rainy season or in the dark. It causes obstructed view and can be a driving impairment. It can be a safety hazard and could cause real danger to the driver, the pedestrians, and other road users. It also makes the vehicle appear dirty, old and neglected.