Friday, October 11, 2019

How To Maintain Your Car Properly

People who squeeze every drop of gas they can out of their tank are known as "hyper-milers". These people will avoid accelerating fast and braking abruptly in order to get the best mileage possible. They maximize fuel efficiency by making their car as lightweight as possible and removing anything they don't need from their trunk. Coasting is another way to increase mileage as is anticipating traffic flow. While hypermiling is a sort of penny-pinching method to increase and stretch your fuel dollar, here are some ways to maintain your car when you are on a shoestring budget.

The most important thing is to make sure you have a mechanic on hand that you can trust. Someone that you can count on to give you a fair and honest estimate if you need something fixed. If you want to learn automotive tips from trusted website you can visit for automotive tips and tricks.

Once you pick out your mechanic, make sure to have your car maintained on a regular basis. First, go to your car and open the glove compartment and take out the owner's manual and read what the scheduled maintenance intervals are for your particular vehicle. Stick to the routine. If you can't find a hard copy of the manual, you can probably find it online.

Having routine and regular oil changes is extremely important. Newer cars have engine oil change intervals of every five to seven thousand miles. You should be checking the level between these changes. How often depends on your commute and driving habits. I have a short commute and drive slowly in stop and go city traffic, so I check my oil every other time I get a fill-up. If you are doing a lot of long commutes and freeway driving you should probably check it more often. Newer cars use less oil while older cars are more high maintenance and require more frequent changes.

Ensure that your coolant level is adequate. You are under the hood checking the oil so take the few extra minutes and check the coolant level. Only perform this procedure when the engine is cool. Opening the radiator when the engine is hot can be hazardous to your health.

Make sure your battery is in working order and that you don't have any frayed belts or wires. If you do find anything that just doesn't look right, bring that to your mechanic attention right away. This preventative maintenance is all about making sure that a small fixable problem doesn't turn into a massive headache later down the line.

Make sure your tires aren't bald since bald tires can be hazardous. It's also vital to make sure the tires contain the recommended pressure. The correct PSI (pound per square inch) pressure is stamped on the tire or should be found easily on the side of the car. While you are looking at the tires, make sure you also check their wear. Again if you notice anything that doesn't look or seem right, have a mechanic inspect it for you.

If your car is leaking, this is a major sign that something is wrong. You might want to look under your car from time to time and make sure that nothing is dripping out. This is best done on a flat clean driveway or parking lot. Note that you may see some pooling if you have been running your air conditioner. It is normal for condensation to drop to the floor.

If you don't know how to do these things, ask a friend or perhaps the mechanic to show you so you know how to perform these functions the next time. Properly caring for your car will ensure that your car will last for a long time.

Watch the video for more details:


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